Digital technology transforms the air traveler experience


5 Innovations to get passengers where they need to be easier, faster and safer.

Today, millions of people take flights each day. Long wait times at check-in and security lines rank among the top irritants for travelers. As well, 在陌生的机场导航, 定位终端和门, finding restaurants and specific retail stores can be daunting.

Airport authorities and airlines are working diligently to ensure that travelers enjoy a smooth, 安全的旅程. To help tackle the challenges we’ve mapped out 5 digital steps that we believe will help deliver a whole new travel experience.

Passenger using self check-in kiosk for blog post


1. 策划及预订

A journey starts even before a traveler arrives at the airport. 解决方案 that reduce congestion in the airport and airlines’ contact center and reservation systems can help optimize operations through automation. The use of natural language chat bots with artificial intelligence (AI) can efficiently complement the real human experience.

2. 抵达机场

Personalized information that is communicated to each traveler, according to their precise geolocation in the airport, can help them navigate the airport efficiently. Interacting with an airport service bot can greatly improve the passenger experience. Queue information and walk-time to gates, are just a couple of examples.

3. 行李托运

Customized bots can provide real-time interaction with travelers to let them know which documents to have ready and when. Communications are automatic, fast and secure, and delivered with a personal touch.

4. 保压时间

The idea behind ‘dwell time’ is to optimize the traveler experience while they wait for their flights. Offering pervasive Wi-Fi increases traveler satisfaction, as well, it enables communications to travelers’ mobile devices to provide retail offers, 餐厅抵用券, 航班更新及相关新闻. Providing the airport with the ability to collect passenger data and consumer habits through the Wi-Fi offers new revenue streams that can be explored.

5. 旅客提供

一旦乘客降落, 协助定位行李, 与朋友和家人联系, find a ride to their hotel or home, or locate a great place to eat can make the journey just a little more pleasant.

Check out our infographic and learn more about how ALE机场解决方案  are helping airport authorities and passengers benefit from a 21st century transportation experience, 或者下载我们的电子杂志, “快进”  to discover more ALE transportation solutions.



在世界范围内 Sales Director for Transportation, ALE

罗氏制药Muraine leads the ALE global transportation business practice, 负责铁路, road, 空运和海运. His more than 20 years of global experience in IT, 网络和电信营销, and extensive involvement in field as well as operational activities make him ideal for this role. 

Roch holds an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESI Paris, and a postgraduate Masters in Telecommunication from Institut Mines-Télécom. 

You can reach Roch on Twitter at: @MuraineR.




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