

医疗保健中的信息就像氧气. That’s why your network should process data the way your respiratory system works.


我们大多数人都能精确定位, 从我们自己的生活和经历, different phases in the cultural shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. People born before the end of the 1980s remember the first time they used a cell phone to send a text mess年龄. Those born in the 90s remember tapping the screen of a smartphone for the first time. Our children have known these devices as part of their environments all their lives.


We’ve been calling this social transformation a “paradigm shift” since Thomas Kuhn coined the phrase in his 1962 book, 科学革命的结构. 这种正在进行的转变并不总是平静或舒适的, 但我们现在在积极的语境中使用“破坏”这样的术语. We have long accepted the ethos that change is the only constant as a feature of being alive.

信息时代, accessing information has become as easy as drawing a breath of fresh air. 我们常常忘记,情况并非总是如此. 信息时代, access to information is as fundamental an element for knowledge creation as oxygen is to sustaining life. 在医疗保健组织中尤其如此, 在医疗保健研发领域, 在两者相交的地方.

In one promising example of the intersection of care and research, Raji Wahidy, 医生和工程师, 是虚拟戒毒所的创始人之一, 一个使用虚拟现实的工具, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to provide psychological rehabilitation to vulnerable people. 在病人完全同意的情况下, the tool will also collect their data for broader sharing among medical research professionals; and in turn, 这项研究的结果将有助于改进这一工具, 在一个互惠互利的持续循环中. Dr. Wahidy predicts a future in which this kind of information-sharing will result in major medical advances. When patient data is shared between researchers worldwide to create massive datasets, researchers can then use those datasets to detect patterns and determine optimal treatment approaches.

“这正是我们的虚拟康复计划。. Wahidy说. “我们将公开分享数据决策, 行动, 反应, 性别, 比赛, 年龄, 心率等生物特征, 血压, biodermal活动, [and] eye-tracking data—with the global [research] community to allow for further research and development to be performed in the cases of mental health and psychological well-being.”

Broad pattern detection on a massive scale is only possible thanks to the rise of big data technology, which gives researchers the ability to examine huge subsets of information bytes that are collected and sorted into taxonomies. 大数据——在这种情况下, the massive collection of patient information—has increased the speed of research and of new treatment delivery. 在医疗管理方面, big data forms the basis for optimizing the processes used in supply chain man年龄ment, 物联网和大多数业务功能.

如果我们把信息和氧气比较, it makes sense to compare big data infrastructure with the human respiratory system.


肺部’ main function is to supply oxygen to blood cells and remove carbon dioxide. They provide a continuous supply of necessary materials and remove hazardous waste. Network tools provided by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise play the same role in organizations as lungs do in our bodies. The network itself ensures continuous access to all the elements necessary for healthcare to function. The network tools ensure that supply levels are monitored and are replenished before they run out, 它为临床专家提供信息, and it enables the tracking of trends and patterns to make connections between patient symptoms and treatment protocols.


Bronchi are the two tubes that lead from the windpipe to the lungs. 它们提供了空气进出的通道. That function is replicated by switch solutions that interface with data center systems that handle stor年龄 and processing needs. Stor年龄 and processing operations can be automated through the use of protocols and policies so that the load for running them can be switched between on-site local stor年龄 and cloud-based stor年龄 as needed.


鼻子 provides on-demand analytics in the computer network of our bodies. When something doesn’t smell right, your entire body knows to respond. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Smart analytics software knows what applications are running on a network, 这样就可以对应用程序的使用进行微调, 或限制, 满足许多医疗保健企业的需求. 鼻子知道如何理解数据, whether that means flowers are blooming or foul smells need to be addressed immediately!

强大的网络, 比如强健的呼吸系统, keeps the oxygen and information flowing throughout the entire body. That’s true whether we’re discussing a physical body or an organizational one. 吸气... 呼出... 我们得到了这个!



Contact 卡罗尔Delarbre at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise for any further information or resources



主管、产品 & Solution Marketing and Head of Network 解决方案 for 医疗保健 - ‎Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

丹尼尔负责开发, 定位, 沟通和教育内部和外部客户, on the value proposition of ALE solutions in the Transportation and 医疗保健 verticals. 他曾在初创企业工作, 小型到大型企业业务, 担任各种行政领导职务. Daniel is an Electrical Engineering graduate from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
